News /
2006 year

Saules Tornis is named Best new building of the year 2005
Unconventional Saules Tornis apartment house, one of the few recent Saules dzīve company projects in Riga suburb of Purvciems, has just been honoured with “Best building” award in “Best new project” contest administered by “New projects” catalogue.
18 October 2006

Successful combination of elaborate architectural solutions, modern technology and maximum of conveniences in apartment layout make Saules Tornis the flagship of high-rise construction in the very heart of this old residential quarter. New building fits harmonically into existing landscape, bringing in attractive, bright and fresh accents. As customary for Saules dzīve development company projects, the house is built from environmentally friendly and well-tried materials, land plot is greened up, and parking is placed at the basement storey of the building. To provide house occupants with more free space around the house, designers have raised its height to 9 floors against the usual 3-4 floors as it was earlier customary for the company. At the same time, apartment block on 13 Zhagatu Street remained quite compact, consisting of 27 apartments only.

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